My first bike trip. In November of 1976 - at 20 years old - I left my mom's house to hitchhike down to Tampa Florida to see a girl that I liked. My mom got up early with me at 5am and took the picture to the right saying that she might never see me again. It only took me a little more than a day to get down to Florida. I spent a week or so in Tampa, and then hitchhiked over to Arlington Texas to see my dad, who was living with his wife Lois, their dog Fracky, and their cat Snowy. I spent Christmas with them. After Christmas I hitchhiked over to Tempe Arizona and stayed at my sister Joy's and her boyfriend Jim's apartment while they were back in NY visiting my mom. I ended up getting a job as a dishwasher at a Hobo Joes restaurant in Scottsdale, and would hitchhike from Tempe to Scottsdale and back every day. When Joy and Jim returned, I went over to the ASU campus to a "roommates wanted" board and found a guy to room with. One bedroo...